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Microsoft has stopped the MODI (Microsoft Office Document Imaging) post office 2007 release.

Microsoft has stopped the MODI (Microsoft Office Document Imaging) post office 2007 release.

There are still many users who need that functionality just to extract OCR (Optical Character Recognition) from Image files such as Jpeg, Tif.

Now who are all dependent on MODI had to search other alternative for the same. Still there are multiple options open & it depends how you accept those.

Option 1

1)      Microsoft has come up with solution i.e. Downgrade SharePoint designer to 2007 from 2010.

Option 2

(Required OneNote 2010)

In One note 2010, on the insert tab, Click Picture

Locate and then open the Scanned File, The file inserted into OneNote 2010 as a picture.

Right- Click the Picture, Click Copy Text from Picture, and then paste the information to another location.

Option 3

(Required Adobe standard X)

1st Convert image file into Pdf.

Tools-Recognize Text

Now you can copy text from Image.

Happy blogging!



  1. Thanks for sharing this.

  2. downgrading to Sharepoint 2007 , thats really weird. But the solution you provided is really useful. Thanks avi !!


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