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Internet using Electric cables

How does it work! Please find attached screenshot. The Product which I am using is TPLINK Powerline AV600! (Its not your WiFi extender which needs to be in same range and try to boost) its like extending physical internet cable experience over copper electric cables.

In detail:
The Powerline solution is less visible − a 'no new wires' approach. You buy a basic kit, which comes with two Powerline adapters and two short Ethernet cables. You connect one of the Ethernet cables to your router and to the first of the adapters. Then you plug it into the nearest power socket. You click the second Ethernet cable into the back of the HD TV and into the second adapter. You plug the second adapter into the nearest power socket. And that's it. The adapters auto-detect each other (no drivers, no lengthy configuration process) and auto-connect, enabling data packets to whizz from router to TV, travelling along the Ethernet cable, into the first adapter, across the electrical wiring in the walls, out into the second adapter and into the TV. When the first HomePlug Powerline standard was introduced in 2001, data speeds were limited to a sluggish 14Mbps. But the newest Powerline products now support Gigabit-class networking.


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