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Partner Firmware Upgrade. PFU & Storage.


Today we are going to talk about PFU and Storage. 

Firmware upgrade on any device is always a risk as you are making changes on core software of that particular hardware and when you are doing on storage risk is always HIGH.

PFU: Partner Firmware upgrade.
You know started knowing about storage's ( Every Storage has 2 storage controller and 2 management controllers. Storage controller also referred as  SC and Management controllers are referred as MC.)

Every storage has redundancy maintain so when one controller goes down other one take cares but there are cases which i have seen entire storage went down. 

Normally people do Storage firmware upgrade when you have shutdown all your VM & Host  but you can do firmware upgrade when things up also using storage's redundancy feature.

Now if you wish to do Firmware upgrade of your storage while keeping everything is up what you have to do is 1st make sure your storage is health either by visual look at storage or web console or SSH connection. 

On SSH connection run command "Show Configuration" it will let you know status of all controllers.
Make sure MC is up ( so you can login and manage storage
Disable PFU  
One Storage controller at a time.

If you don't disable PFU what will happen is it try to sync both your controllers and reboot both controllers together which leads to " DISASTER" Your running VM's  non available, Data corruption etc.

Once you do PFU disable- To SSH connection or FTP connection to either A or B Management controller, Log-in with ID and Password. 
Next is you have to actually upgrade firmware hence type "PUT" space drop your firmware file on command prompt and then they command "Flash"

For example: Put D:\Firmware\TS****.bin Flash. Now let firmware get updated or upgraded in this entire process lot of programming will happen on both MC and SC controller and reboot both MC and SC and at last MC will be reboot
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Lets wait to get MC controller come back and everything is normal and firmware update is good than only attempt Firmware on Controller B. 
If some reason your firmware upgraded MC dont come back than take SSH or telnet from controller B and run command Restart MC A. (I am considering we are upgrading A controller 1st) you have to run this command 4-5 times and then your controller B will be Up. 

I hope you understand why you should disable PFU while attempting firmware. 


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