Frustrated with HP P2000 G3?
I know it’s frustrating when you had 100 of P2000 G3 across
your environment and it gave you Management host down errors.
TBH management host down basically don’t impact you but it
will restrict your remote access for storage and hence you need management host
up and running
Two options...
1st Option Each enclosure has 2 management host A and B if
one of these were down you can telnet working one and Reboot another management
host you can do this anytime this doesn't
Need any down time.
Telnet working host
Provide Storage credentials
Command Restart Mc A (whichever you want to reboot A or B
try this 4-5 time and your management host will be up and working)
2nd Option...
Connect USB cable at the rear side of your storage you will
sew CLI port (Mini USB) connect there one end and other to your working server.
Open Device Manager- Refresh
Check serial and LPT Port
You will find something except "COM1"
Open Putty
Select Serial type "Com2 or Com3" whatever it has
taken connect provide your storage credentials
And one by one run following command.
Restart MC A
Accept Y
Restart Mc B
Accept Y
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