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BYOD-Bring Your Own Device.

Bring Your Own Device.
Last couple of years I am watching industry everyone is saying just about BYOD.
How to implement BYOD in their corporate environment?  Doesn’t  really that simple that I can bring in my own device in the office take example I am working on my own  Mac Book & doing all the necessary stuff from own notebook.
Yes it looks awesome now I don’t have to charge 2 laptops personal vs. Corporate, I don’t have to carry both laptops, While overseas travel I don’t have
To declare laptop along with me, now for some personal work I don’t have to switch from corporate laptop to personal one, I don’t have to think ten times before installing any application from net to laptop but policies & process.
Yes it gave to lot of freedom if I carry my own device to office those are direct benefit to me but what are the benefit corporation is going get because of BYOD.
1) They don’t have to buy a device for me.
2) They don’t have to do patching & other necessary maintenance for my device.
3) Lot of HMM Savings in Physical assets purchase.
4) Number of support Staff can be cut down locally which is supporting devices.
5) No need to buy OS.

Ok Personal & Corporate both site benefits looks good “awesome idea” but to bring this idea in reality what I need to do. Do you think we are ready to adopt BYOD mindset I am saying mindset because if you want to implement you need to have such mindset before attempting or to start working.
*Number one question does you security team ready to take risk & allow personal devices to be used in Corporate world. Do you have any tracking mechanism which can trace?
Things if something unlawful thing happens.
* How many employee your organization thinks can adopt the BYOD or implementing for any particular set of users.
Take example of manifesting industry. Plant floor employees cannot afford to buy own device. Clerical staff can’t afford to bring own device. There are 40-50% of employees who
Can afford to use own device for Official work 24x7.  So take that number in account before start thinking about BYOD. Start working around Budget does that amount worth it.

* Application: Does your application supports cross platform. Does XYZ application work on all variants of Windows & Mac.? If you are using RDS do you have enough capacity in backend
To accommodate addition users what will be application delivery method, how you are going to make assets management I mean how you are going to tie around Licensing.

* Are you thinking about eliminating Physical System & distributing VM's by using various VDI solution. (VMware, Microsoft & Citrix) you are sure that all the applications will be
VM Support & Implementation cost doesn’t bother you?

* At the end how you going to differentiate CORPORATE Device vs. Personal Device. In the event of Stolen Laptop/Employees termination how data corporate data is getting secure & making sure that
It’s not going out of your corporate walls.

* Authenticity of Original OS & not the piracy in such case who will be responsible.
* In case of broken device who will pay for mintage. Who will make sure that performances of personal devices are as good which corporation was supposed to get it for employees?

**If you have all the answers for above questions then you all set for BYOD. There are few vendors started working on getting BYOD simplified but we have to watch whether it is mature enough to count on it because If you get in to BYOD & you need to go back that’s not going to be that simple you must be invested lot in security, Application, Data, Virtualization & now again going back to traditional way of approach to buy devices are going to be huge investment.

Note: For Schools its awesome idea but for big corporate houses its huge investment & kind of Privilege rather than a need.

Please take care. Have a good day.



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