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Kernel Side-Channel Attacks- Red Hat.

Red Hat has been made aware of multiple microarchitectural (hardware) implementation issues affecting many modern microprocessors, requiring updates to the Linux kernel, virtualization-related components, and/or in combination with a microcode update.  An unprivileged attacker can use these flaws to bypass conventional memory security restrictions in order to gain read access to privileged memory that would otherwise be inaccessible. There are 3 known CVEs related to this issue in combination with Intel, AMD, and ARM architectures. Additional exploits for other architectures are also known to exist. These include IBM System Z,  POWER8 (Big Endian and Little Endian), and POWER9 (Little Endian).

The following Red Hat product versions are impacted:
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
  • Red Hat Atomic Host
  • Red Hat Enterprise MRG 2
  • Red Hat OpenShift Online v2
  • Red Hat OpenShift Online v3
  • Red Hat Virtualization (RHEV-H/RHV-H)
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform 6.0 (Juno)
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform 7.0 (Kilo) for RHEL7
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform 7.0 (Kilo) director for RHEL7
  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform 8.0 (Liberty)
  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform 8.0 (Liberty) director
  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform 9.0 (Mitaka)
  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform 9.0 (Mitaka) director
  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform 10.0 (Newton)
  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform 11.0 (Ocata)
  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform 12.0 (Pike)


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