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Office 2016 Preview here....!

Today at Microsoft Ignite, the company released a preview of Office 2016. The preview is free for Office 365 users, and a trial is available to everyone else. The new suite can edit or attach files directly from One Drive. You can also try out collaborative editing in Word 2016, allowing you to edit documents others are working in simultaneously using every version of the application, including Word on the desktop. Read more here or get started downloading the preview here.
Try the Office 2016 Preview if you
  • Enjoy trying out software that’s still being developed and providing your insights and feedback.
  • Know how to reinstall your previous version of Office from the original installation point.
  • Really know your way around a PC and feel comfortable troubleshooting problems, backing up data, and uninstalling and installing the Office 2016 Preview to fix issues.


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