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Showing posts from October, 2017

Last password reset.

Service account or application pool on multiple platform still sometime password  for these id's don’t work may be because someone else has changed it or we don’t have correct password which leads to confusion so, to avoid this confusion before resetting password I would recommend using following command to check when last time password was change. Get-aduser 'username' -Properties passwordlastset |Format-List

Netstat Command.

Geek Commands: - Commands save you during application load test :) netstat | findstr ESTABLISHED netstat | findstr LISTEN netstat | findstr CLOSE_WAIT netstat | findstr TIME_WAIT Showing PID used by Port netstat –o | findstr $portnumber Protocol statistics You are working on Protocol statistics for either any of this protocol (IPv4, IPv6, ICMPv4, ICMPv6, TCP or UDP) netstat –s netstat -s |Findstr Errors Getting routing Information This command will show us entire routing table. netstat –r Interface statistics: (sent and received details) netstat-e Getting Fully Qualified Domain Name of foreign address (remote host) netstat –f Finally finding port number for “Exe” or service This command can give you real time information about which exe is using which port and communicating on which foreign ip address. Command: - netstat -v -b

Talking computer- Powershell.

Fun stuff with Powershell scripting :) What happen when your computer start motiviating you to do better job ? :) i am not gone crazy. You just need one command to put your powershell script in startup which talks . Powershell -noninteractive -nologo "script path" You can certainly download my script and change to whatever you like to hear from computer. Please find attached powershell script. Note :- If you want to hear content in male voice just change line 5 to "$PowerShellSpeak.SelectVoice('Microsoft David Desktop') but if you want hear your computer in female voice use "$PowerShellSpeak.SelectVoice('Microsoft Zira Desktop')" Script: add-type -assemblyname system.speech $PowerShellSpeak = New-Object System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer #Intro-Chrous $PowerShellSpeak.SelectVoice('Microsoft Zira Desktop') $PowerShellSpeak.speak("Good Morning") $PowerShellSpeak.speak(" The key to successful leadership toda...