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Showing posts from May, 2015

VMware Vspher 6.0

I am excited because of VMware's new release. VSphere 6.0 (it’s called scalability) this is just basic over view there are huge improvements like Instant clone/ NVidia Graphics, Cross Vcenter clone and migration, network IO Control, Multicast Snooping, External Storage array became VM aware array! ***VSphere 6.0 (New capabilities) • 64 Host per Cluster • 8000 Virtual machines per cluster • 480 CPUs • 12 TB RAM • 1000 virtual Machines per HOST ***VSphere 5.5 (Existing capabilities) • 32 Host per Cluster • 4000 Virtual machines per cluster • 320 CPUs • 4 TB RAM • 512 Virtual Machines per HOST

Expired ID and Empty Groups- Powershell

Get all Expired accounts but they still exist in AD as well as Empty Groups which exist in AD. Script for Empty Group: Import-Module activedirectory Get-ADGroup -Filter * -Properties Members | where {-not $_.members} | select Name | Export-Csv C:\groups.csv –NoTypeInformation Script for Expired IDs: Import-Module ActiveDirectory Search-ADAccount -AccountExpired | select Name, samAccountName, ObjectClass, AccountExpirationDate, lastLogonDate | Export-Csv c:\Accounts.csv

How to disable USB Storage ?

Question came. #How to disable USB Drive but USB headphones/Keyboard/Mouse and Data cards should work? Simple:  When administrator says how he will block things using GPO what we do is we edit Group Policy Management template. #Group Policy Management Editor Following option need to be configure. What exactly happens? As we know Windows is all about registry and for each and everything we had one Reg file same thing applies to USB.  For example USB Printer, USB hub, USB headphones for each component we had different registry keys. Now I just want to disable USB storage hence will concentrate on following registry path. #[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\USBSTOR] and mainly START (Dword) By default it is 3 if you modify registry to 4. USB Mass storage will be block. (Cell Phones, Jump drives, Disk and Pen drives will not detect in OS.

Data Leak Protection- OUTLOOK

Data Leak Protection- OUTLOOK I was talking about dual persona in mobile phone personal and enterprise and most of vendor was showing me stare like I am talking French. Now I think people heard me GOOGLE brought multiple profile in Lollipop they are not there what I am saying but it’s a start... Microsoft today demonstrated new Outlook and which has feature because of which content of your email or corporate data can’t be copied to your personal app or emails etc. on your mobile. Thanks you for working on these initiatives.

Office 2016 Preview here....!

Today at Microsoft Ignite, the company released a preview of Office 2016. The preview is free for Office 365 users, and a trial is available to everyone else. The new suite can edit or attach files directly from One Drive. You can also try out collaborative editing in Word 2016, allowing you to edit documents others are working in simultaneously using every version of the application, including Word on the desktop. Read more  here  or get started  downloading the preview here . Try the Office 2016 Preview if you Enjoy trying out software that’s still being developed and providing your insights and feedback. Know how to reinstall your previous version of Office from the original installation point. Really know your way around a PC and feel comfortable troubleshooting problems, backing up data, and uninstalling and installing the Office 2016 Preview to fix issues.                   ...

Partition extended but File system shows old disk size.

Disk Management. One of my  colleague  from Europe called me stating on one of his server he extended disk and it was completed successfully but in my computer it still shows existing size and disk management shows new value. It was #Windows Server 2008 server as it was escalated to me initially I thought it must be wrong disk or Lun has issue where he was extending disk but that was not the case hence tried to refresh disk, re-scan disk and even did storage refresh :) I tried #DiskPart too and it was showing latest value so I was got confuse  from where the old value is coming  and hence decided to run following commands one by one and got success. Disk Part List Volume Select volume # (Number on volume) Extend  Now we know some time disk size don’t get refresh and hence you should use #DISKPART… Weird but funny…!